About Cox Technic

Named after its developer, James M. Cox, DC DACBR, Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression is a gentle, non-force chiropractic adjusting approach.  Jeffrey Farnham D.C. offers this highly-effective spinal manipulation and decompression technique, a combination of chiropractic and osteopathic principles.  This combination offers a non-surgical alternative to a more intrusive surgery for relief of pain in the neck, arm, back and leg, especially for the 1 in 4 patients who are 95% of the cost of healthcare dollars for back pain: the disc herniation and stenosis cases.  Cox Technic’s effectiveness for these more complex conditions makes it a great approach for less complex conditions of back and neck pain as well.

How It Helps

Utilizing the specially designed  Cox 8 Table Dr. Farnham will apply gentle, specific, hands-on flexion-distraction and spinal decompression.  The four main effects of this form of spinal manipulation are:

  1. To increase the height of the intervertebral disc, which will…
  2. Decrease the pressure within the disc, thereby aiding in the healing of disc herniations, as well as…
  3. Taking the pressure off of pinched nerves by increasing the height of the intervertebral foramen (the openings that the nerves come out of), and…
  4. Helping to restore free movement of the vertebrae (range of motion)

Please have a closer look at the research at Cox Technic Research


Dr. Farnham strives to provide the best in evidence-based care for his patients.  Some common conditions for which Cox Technic is appropriate are

  • disc herniations
  • low back pain and leg pain
  • neck and arm pain
  • radiculopathy
  • osteoarthritis of the spine
  • degenerative disc disease
  • facet syndrome
  • spinal stenosis
  • spondylolisthesis
  • post-surgical continued pain (pain after back surgery) aka FBSS (failed back surgical syndrome)
  • whiplash type-injuries
  • headaches
  • scoliosis (not to cure but to maintain mobility of the curve)
  • patients unable to tolerate vigorous adjustments

as well as many other conditions

This list is neither inclusive of all conditions nor exclusive of other conditions. Not every patient with these specific conditions may benefit as other factors may influence the patient case and clinical outcome. These are merely general conditions. The physician will examine each patient carefully and consult with the patient and/or his healthcare physician to determine the appropriate treatment method(s) and treatment plan for the individual patient.

How Long Will It Take?

Every patient is unique and treatment is always geared toward the individual.  To get you pain-free as quickly as possible, while maximizing healing, Cox Technic Protocols follow a “Rule of 50%”.

In general, whatever frequency of care is recommended, as soon as your pain is decreased by 50%, indicated subjectively and objectively, your treatment frequency is reduced by 50%.  Active rehabilitation (home exercises) are given on your first day of treatment and will be increased as you are able to tolerate.  The goal is to get you pain-free and to regain your quality of life as quickly as possible.

If you don’t reach the 50% improvement goal within 30 days of care, you will be referred for additional testing or consultation with a specialist.

Some spinal conditions are permanent, unfortunately, and total resolution of pain is unrealistic.  For such conditions, “Control, Not Cure” is the reasonable approach.  For example, a transitional segment is not curable.  It is how you are built and it is permanent.  In such conditions, Dr. Farnham will aim to maximize your pain relief and help you understand your condition and what triggers your pain so that you can prevent its occurrence.  Knowledge is power!

Dr. Farnham will conduct a very thorough physical exam to arrive at the best diagnosis, possible.  A course of care will then be recommended.  The doctor-patient relationship is a partnership and it is very important to have an agreement, between both partners, about what the goals of treatment are and then to be dedicated to achieving those goals.